Our Training Services

Obedience is the foundation of all dog training, and is often the most sought after training. With our basic, advanced and tactical obedience programs and over 75 years of experience, we have a program to fit you and your dog's specific needs. Whether your dog is weeks or years old, they are still able to learn! Let us help you gain the confidence and peace of mind that your dog will listen when

AKC's Canine Good Citizen program is the gold standard of behavior for dogs in our communities. Over 1 million dogs and their owners have participated in CGC, mastering ten basic skills that instill confidence and good manners in and out of your home. CGC also lays the foundation for other AKC sports and activities like obedience, agility, tracking, and performance events.
Scent Detection
Looking to train your dog to locate odor? Whether you are looking to start a new career in K9 Detection, looking to do Scent Sport, or looking to train your dog for fun, we can help! We can train your dog to find a variety of odors that meet your needs or requirements. Our NJ Dog Trainers have over 75 years of experience training Police, Military, and Private Sector dogs to locate a wide variety of odors.
What Customers Say
Hear what our Customers have to say about our great NJ Dog Trainers